Things To Know Before Buying Homeowner's Insurance

For those who are buying their first home, the process of buying home insurance can be confusing. This is especially true when you've never had to deal with homeowners insurance before, as you may not be sure what to consider when you're shopping for that first policy. Here are a couple of key notes about homeowners insurance coverage that you need to consider before you secure a policy. You May Need Item-Specific Coverage [Read More]

3 Mistakes You Should Avoid When Making Auto-Insurance Claims

One of the biggest insurance mistakes you are likely to commit is driving without car insurance. If you have insurance and get into a car accident, the last thing you want to do is confront the insurance company haphazardly. Before you file a claim, make sure you steer clear of the following mistakes. 1. Don't Underestimate Your Injuries Many people make the mistake of thinking of their injuries as too insignificant to seek medical attention. [Read More]

3 Things to Know About Insurance Scores

When you apply for a loan or credit card, the lender will probably check your credit score. Most people are familiar with credit scores and why lenders check them, but many people do not know that insurance companies use insurance scores. Have you ever heard this before? If not, it might be helpful for you to learn what an insurance score is, why insurance agents use them, and the effects they have. [Read More]

2 Tips For Choosing A Contractor Liability Insurance Company For Your New Construction Business

If you are currently starting up a new construction business, you are probably in the throes of making a lot of decisions. One of these decisions is most likely regarding the company from whom you will purchase your contractor liability insurance. If you are still undecided, use the tips below to help you with making a decision when looking at and communicating with different insurance companies. 1.  Look for Fast Turnarounds for Quotes and Other Communication [Read More]