To File Or Not To File: Knowing When To File An Auto Insurance Claim

You pay for car insurance so that you'll have financial help for unforeseen events; accidents, vandalism, theft, and more, and those insurance premiums are well worth it when you're involved in an accident.  There are a few situations, however, when you might choose not to file a claim.  Take these tips into consideration before you make a decision on filing a claim. Are There Injuries? If you've been involved in an accident where someone has been injured, you should always file a claim.

3 Big Ways To Save Money On Auto Insurance Every Time

Shopping for car insurance? Do these three things to get a better seat at the table with insurance companies, and a better angle for policy and premium negotiation. A barrage of annoying 30-second ad spots have shown nearly everyone that indeed, they can save money on car insurance in just 15 minutes. But getting real savings means doing some strategic research -- not just spending any blind 15 minutes talking to a carrier.