3 Mistakes You Should Avoid When Making Auto-Insurance Claims
One of the biggest insurance mistakes you are likely to commit is driving without car insurance. If you have insurance and get into a car accident, the last thing you want to do is confront the insurance company haphazardly. Before you file a claim, make sure you steer clear of the following mistakes.
1. Don't Underestimate Your Injuries
Many people make the mistake of thinking of their injuries as too insignificant to seek medical attention. Even if you are feeling okay, you should go for a checkup to identify internal injuries or other underlying conditions. For example, soreness may be a sign of soft tissue damage. You may aggravate your injuries by failing to have them treated.
Underestimating your injuries can hurt you in many ways. First, if you make it seem that you are not hurt, the liable parties and the insurance company may contest your injury claims. For example, they may claim that your injuries are not related to the accident. Failing to seek immediate treatment can also prolong your recovery. This translates to missed work, disputed medical bills, and pain and suffering.
2. Understand the Terms of the Insurance Policy
Auto insurance policies have terms and conditions that you need to understand before making any claim. You need to understand what the policy does and does not cover. However, you will not know the risks covered by your policy if you do not read the contract. That said, it is advisable to go through the contract with your lawyer to highlight any areas that are unclear. Additionally, you need to understand what requirements you need to meet before obtaining payment for your injuries.
Part of understanding the terms of your car insurance policy is knowing when to file a claim. You should weigh your damages; consider your deductible and how it will affect your premium. In some cases, it is better to pay off expenses from your own pocket.
3. Failing to Gather Evidence
Your auto insurance claim is as strong as your evidence. Having sufficient evidence will increase your chances of a fair settlement. You should take pictures to capture skid marks, vehicle damage, and even weather conditions. The pictures will also show you how the vehicles were positioned in relation to one another.
Evidence should not be restricted to photos. You need to document all relevant information about the condition of your car. This will ensure the insurance company's appraiser does not miss anything when they come to assess your vehicle. For more information, contact an auto insurance company.